Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More frock flashbacks!

Melbourne is known for it's horse-racing - how many other cities with millions of people get a public holiday for a horse race?

Personally, I'm not a massive horse fan. But I AM a fan of dresses, hats, picnics, and champagne. So I've spent a few days at Flemington over the years.
 Kate and I have known each other (and played dress-ups!) since I was one year old.
I never did find out why all these guys were dressed like Steve Irwin, but I guess it doesn't matter.
I made this dress myself, for the Howitt Hall Gaudy in 2003. The fact that Erin and I matched was a total coincidence.
 Okay, that's not me, it's Grandma. She was a bridesmaid at her sisters' wedding in the 50s.
Oh, but THIS is me. In Grandma's dress. 50 years later.
This is me and the other engineer, celebrating the completion of a motorway I'd been working on. I love this dress, I made it for myself and I will never ever get rid of it! I'm a big fan of donating clothes, but I made this with all of my heart (and help from my mum).

Only one day left for me to enjoy wearing pants!

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